On Self-Censorship in Art


“Censorship within a democracy is often self-imposed by the individual; the fear of crossing invisible border lines comes from within.”

Natalia Kaliada, Belarus Free Theatre


This is a project that challenges the artistic community to reflect on the various ways in which censorship can act in contemporary society and their work, through the effect of self-inflicted censorship.


It aims to promote self-censorship-free contexts in the arts, seeking to provoke reflection and implement conditions for the true exercise of freedom, often limited by self-control mechanisms, adaptation to uniform support systems, market pressures or fear of potential cancellation by the community.

It is a project to create awareness about the phenomenon of self-censorship in the arts and it takes the form of conversations with members of the artistic community, the offer of mentoring to artists in the process of creation, given by artists who have had direct contact with censorship, meetings, workshops and residencies.

It is a project to create awareness about the phenomenon of self-censorship in the arts, which seeks to make an impact and promote partnerships and programs that take on this issue.

Self-Uncensored aims to promote courage and freedom, challenging the limits of current conventions.


Direction: Tânia Guerreiro

Collaborators: João Meirinhos, António Duarte


Institutional support: Lisbon City Council - Culture and Portuguese Republic - Culture I DGARTES - Directorate-General for the Arts

Network of influences: João Meirinhos, António Duarte, George Lugg, Mei Lui, Rui Catalão, Ana Borralho, Pedro Barreiro, Isabel Costa, Wu Quin, Laura Lopes, Liliana Coutinho, Cristina Grande, Nelson Guerreiro, Izabel nejur, Natacha Campos, William Cardoso, Sepehr Sharifzadeh, Sepideh Khodarahmi, Maikon K, Gustavo Gomes, Sina Saberi, Georg Bütow, Hadar Morag


Photography: Ema Ramos