Plucking History with Andreia Farinha: The dead all have the same feathers.

Andreia Farinha e a Truta no Buraco

"Plucking History  with Andreia Farinha: The dead all have the same feathers" is constructed as a reflection on the importance of birds in the political and historical landscape of humanity. It is an essay about subjugation, power relations and preservation, working from a cultural semiotics that is as comprehensive as possible, which includes both the everyday and the extraordinary, without any distinction as to its importance.
Urban life has always tended to produce a sentimentalist view of nature. Nature is thought of as a garden, a placidly free territory, with birds singing an endless spring. When Hitchcock stages a mutiny of birds in Birds (1963), he rescues the theme from its suprapolitical and bucolic aura to haunt us with the unusual complexity of our history, a history that is also very much interspecific.

Concept and Direction: Andreia Farinha, João Melo, Anafaia Supico e Raphael Soares Text: Andreia Farinha Performing: Andreia Farinha, José Vargas, João Ayton
Sound operation: Raphael Soares Video and light operation: João Melo Music: Raphael Soares and José Vargas Costume: Andreia Farinha Scenic Space: Andreia Farinha Production and Communication: Anafaia Supico
Sound Capture, Mixing and Editing: Raphael Soares Video Capture and Editing: João Melo, Filipe Casimiro Graphic Design: Begoña Claveria
Production Support: SelfMistake Music Production and Post-production Support: Estúdio Fetra Scientific Support: Joana Frazão, Quercus Video Post-production Support: Terratreme Dissemination support: Damas, Buala, RDA, Rua Escura

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