CAPTURING YOU || Fictional politics of movement
Ana Libório
What's under that?
- A start point or making something visible;
I needed to stop and look at everything that has been created so far. Exploring dualities, oppositions and temporalities to find something that doesn't belong to us.
What´s under that?
- The system of the systems;
Take something that seems relevant or desirable and put it to work. Offer it to a consumer who is never satisfied.
What's under that?
- A que(e)ry system or a system of recognition.
Enumerate, confront and consume. Inter-relational systems, polyglamorous systems, politics of movement, (and so on and on.. (feat Zizek). A process of recognition and transduction. Which is the system that you care about?
What's under that?
- The performative context. What's under that?
- A donkey looking at a palace. What's under that?
- Never ending stories..
“Capturing you|| Fictional politics of movement” is a descriptive and literal artistic performance that has as its premise: the elaboration of a structural system of fictional movements, enumerations and re-connections, questioning factual and fabular concepts in our society. The meaning for this fiction is implied through disruptions and stimulations of inconsistencies. At the same time they seem inherent to narrative movements, they present themselves as points of view that allow us not only to support them, but to understand and reflect them.
Through performative actions, choreographies and technological display devices, the performers establish an intimate relationship with the audience, questioning what has led us here and what is the place for an ethics of care, cooperation and interdependencies.
Artistic concept by Ana Libório
with the collaboration of Cília Herrmann, Bruno José Silva, Diogo Melo, Gonçalo Alegria, Nuno Braz de Oliveira, Filipe Pureza & André Loubet.
External view and initial sculpture: Tiago Vieira
Co-production: Artista do Bairro, Teatro Cão Solteiro e Rua das Gaivotas 6
Supported by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Self - Mistake, Artista no Bairro, Plataforma 285, Companhia Olga Roriz, Cova da Baleia - Parque Aventura
Thanks to: Mor Demer, Teatro Cão Solteiro, Rua das Gaivotas 6, CPBC, Companhia Olga Roriz, Latoaria, TRUST, Sónia Baptista, Tânia Guerreiro, Ana Ribeiro e António Duarte, Tiago Vieira, Onde está a espada, Gonçalo Carvalho, Eulália Libório, Silvestre Correia, Carlos Cardoso, João Estevens, Lina Santos, Sérgio Lino, Constança Morão, Susana Oliveira, Ricardo Sousa
“Capturing you|| Fictional politics of movement” is a descriptive and literal artistic performance that has as its premise: the elaboration of a structural system of fictional movements, enumerations and re-connections, questioning factual and fabular concepts in our society. The meaning for this fiction is implied through disruptions and stimulations of inconsistencies. At the same time they seem inherent to narrative movements, they present themselves as points of view that allow us not only to support them, but to understand and reflect them.
Through performative actions, choreographies and technological display devices, the performers establish an intimate relationship with the audience, questioning what has led us here and what is the place for an ethics of care, cooperation and interdependencies.
